The purpose of the TCMBA internship program is to give a 3-month intensive ministry experience to young adults considering going into full-time ministry. This experience will help them in determining if ministry in a church is a direction they want to pursue. Applicants must have completed high school and be enrolled in higher education or planning to do so.
The TCMBA Summer Intern Opportunity is beneficial for both church and intern. You provide the opportunity for a young adult to learn what it is like to do ministry in the midst of a constantly changing environment. As interns experience behind-the-scenes work, they are able to better discern God's call on their life for a vocation in the church. It is rewarding for you to have a "Timothy" to mentor and delegate some of your work-load.
Each church is responsible for supporting one-third of the stipend paid for their 3 month commitment. The TCMBA and outside funding covers the other two-thirds. The large group meets 3 times in the summer to discuss their experience and book assignments. Each supervisor is expected to attend large group meetings with their intern and meet weekly for goal setting and accountibility.
Applications can be downloaded here and are due by May 15 of each year. Both church supervisor and intern need to turn in their applications.
The TCMBA Summer Intern Opportunity is beneficial for both church and intern. You provide the opportunity for a young adult to learn what it is like to do ministry in the midst of a constantly changing environment. As interns experience behind-the-scenes work, they are able to better discern God's call on their life for a vocation in the church. It is rewarding for you to have a "Timothy" to mentor and delegate some of your work-load.
Each church is responsible for supporting one-third of the stipend paid for their 3 month commitment. The TCMBA and outside funding covers the other two-thirds. The large group meets 3 times in the summer to discuss their experience and book assignments. Each supervisor is expected to attend large group meetings with their intern and meet weekly for goal setting and accountibility.
Applications can be downloaded here and are due by May 15 of each year. Both church supervisor and intern need to turn in their applications.
Interns must be able to legally work in US, have completed high school and intend to enroll in higher education.